New At POHS: Spanish CPR & First Aid Classes
In our latest blog post, we are excited to share news about our Spanish CPR classes! By providing training in a native language, we hope to remove barriers to understanding and help participants feel more capable in emergencies. Learn how these classes address the specific needs of our Spanish-speaking neighbors, contributing to a safer and more unified community.
Confidence in Crisis: The Impact of Hands-Only CPR Training on Community Preparedness
CPR isn’t just a skill - it can be a lifeline. In our latest POHS Knows post, read about the recent Hands-Only CPR class POHS held in Vancouver WA. We offered this free event to our community, with the goal that neighbors, friends, and family would come together to learn a life-saving technique. Ready to experience what POHS can offer you? Read on to find out how you can become a certified lifesaver in your community.
From Bystander to Lifesaver: CPR at the Courthouse
In a remarkable turn of events during jury duty, witness the power of quick thinking and life-saving skills as CPR and AED usage come together to rescue a life. Explore the importance of preparedness, courage, and the impact of decisive actions. This extraordinary tale highlights the significance of CPR certification, emergency response, and the ability to make a positive difference in critical moments.